
BattleTech: Battlefield Support- Assault & Cavalry Lances

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $35.99.

The BattleTech Battlefield Support: Assault & Cavalry is a collection of eight plastic miniatures for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games. The box also provides four dry-erase cards, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and four new crew Cards.


Eight plastic miniatures

(2) Heavy Tank Demolisher
(2) PPC Carrier Schrek
(2) Heavy Hover Tank Condor
(2) Scout Hover Tank Pegasus

Eight dry-erase cards (dual-sided)
Four Alpha Strike cards
Variant Demolisher
Variant Schrek
Variant Condor
Variant Pegasus
Four Vehicle crew cards

3 in stock

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SKU: 810123690657 Category:
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