Munchkin: Dungeon Card Sleeves (40)


Protect your Munchkin Dungeon cards with the new Munchkin Dungeon Card Sleeves! The card sleeves will guard yourMunchkin Dungeon cards from damage, wear, spilled drinks, and Electric Radioactive Acid Potions! Made specifically for Munchkin Dungeon cards, these sleeves will fit like a glove! No more using sleeves that are too loose or too tight!

There are 40 Dungeon card sleeves illustrated by Munchkincomic artist Evan Palmer!

11 in stock

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SKU: 091037863034 Category:
Colorshift Acrylic- Molten Mantle, 20ml.
Colorshift Acrylic- Let Them Eat Cake, 20ml.
Metallic Acrylic - Momo, 20 ml
59mm X 92mm Standard European Board Game Sleeves 50ct
Munchkin - Standard Card Sleeves - Flower (50)

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