
Portal Potties

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $17.99.

The economy has taken a bad turn, and there are no jobs for wizards anymore. You make a tough decision and decide to get into the human waste removal business. Unfortunately, you are not the only wizard who had this idea.

Last player with a portal potty not overflowing with human yogurt wins! Each player has three portal potties on their game board, one for each color of poop (brown, blue, and pink).Players will take turns using cards to teleport poops from their portal potties to the potties of the other players. When a player gets five or more poops in one of their potties, it is overflowing. The last player without all three of their portal potties overflowing is the winner.

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SKU: 850034425023 Category:


Players: 2-4
Ages: 7+
Time: 15 Minutes

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