
The Weird

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $49.50.

Our RPGs shine brightest when they’re vivid, unique, and a little bit mind-bending. So how do you make another room full of orcs, another space station full of aliens, or another dark cult really special? How do

you make every game session truly new and memorable—filled with genuine discovery and imagination?

You make it weird!

A magical bow that creates snakes and looses them like arrows. A sorcerer whose powerful spells feed of their own brain tissue, slowly killing them. A man accompanied by the (friendly?) floating eye of a slain demon lord. A sword that inflicts wounds that scream. A gun that fires intelligent bullets.

From interesting to surprising to over-the-top gonzo—and even whimsical—these sorts of details fill your games with color and life. They engage the players, make encounters vivid and fun, and create moments your group will never forget!

Literally thousands and thousands of amazing ideas for any game. All organized by topic and level of strangeness.
Who delivers high-concept, imagination-dense content better than Monte Cook Games?
Eye-catching design isn’t like anything on your shelf. Gamers will flip through—and when they do, they’ll buy it. Sells itself!
D&D. Pathfinder. Call of Cthulhu. FATE. Savage Worlds. Cypher System. Did we mention it’s perfect for players of any RPG

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SKU: 9781950568444 Category:
Midnight - Game Master's kit

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